Finally, dari start sem nak post pasal dorm, tapi masa tidak mengizinkan. Laptop tidak dibuka dan kalau ada masa free, memang golek golek atas katil je. Blog ni umpama tidak wujud, haha so, here I am, I'm back with my dorm tour 😉
I love watching dorm tour on youtube, seriously dengan dorm haul. Tapi college deme memang beza lah ye dengan kat sini.
Sebelum ni jenuh laa cari dekat google sebelum masuk kolej. Nak tahu macam mana tempat dia, macam mana bilik dia tetambah almari kan haha :p then tak ada.
Ada tu, ada la tapi tempat je, tunjuk sekitar-sekitar Universiti je tu pun sikit dan sebelum 2010, terlalu lama. Uitm Merbok ni dah banyak diorang buat bangunan baru, kolej perempuan pun dah bertambah jadi 3, kolej lelaki je tak tahu laa bila nak tambah, kesian laa jugak kat diorang tempat sangat terhad. huhu.
Serba sikit pasal kolej dekat UiTM Merbok :
💜 1 kolej lelaki, 3 kolej perempuan. ( Malinja, Mahsuri, Masria, Murni)
💜 Kolej perempuan bahagian belakang, dan paling jauh Murni. Tabah ya awak awak siapa yang dapat situ huhu :')
💜 Dewan makan di Malinja, Masria dan Murni.
💜 Mahsuri dekat dengan foodcourt je.
💜 Pejabat Kolej dekat Masria.
💜 Indah duduk dekat Mahsuri.
💜 Lagi nak tahu apa? Komen kat bawah okay 😉
💜 Bank atm ada satu je, dekat pintu pagar.
💜 Depan Uitm , dekat luar ada kedai makan. Budak budak UiTM Merbok memang slalu pi makan situ. Penuh dengan kami kami ja hahaha.
💜 Kat sebelah kedai makan tu jugak ada tempat nak sewa kereta. So senang siapa ada lesen nak keluar bawak kereta. Pandu elok elok okay.
Jadi mari teruskan............
First masuk, diri kat pintu tu nampak view ini.
Bilik yang memuatkan 4 orang budak comel hehe.
And this is view from inside of the room.
So kalau korang diri kat pintu, katil double decker ni belah kiri. Atas Indah dan bawah Shu.
Bawah katil tempan simpan ayor mineral dan bag segala macam benda lah.
Belah katil kitorang ada suis kipas, laundary bag (mine), tong sampah dan penyapu semua tu as you can see. Kalendar sponsor by Ayu.
Next, katil belah kanan, Sam atas, Ayu bawah. Penuh dengan mineral jugaaa dan kasut di bawah katil 😝
Dan dekat katil diorang ada cermin, bawah tu laundry basket Sam (she loves pink i tellya)
See. Katil dia warna pink. Kurnia a.k.a bantal busuk dia pun warna pink. Kalau nak tidur pun bersusun jee sebelah beliau. Spesis alarm tepi telinga tak mau bangun budak ni :') yang kitorang ni redha jeeee haha sorry sam xD
This is my katil. No fun stuff, only minion.
Katil Shuuuu. Dia suruh masuk banyak banyak tapi kita pilih satu je hehehehhe. Oh ya, dia ni suka sangat dengan katil dia. Lepas makan baring, lepas mandi baring, lepas exercise pun baring. Specialnya lagi, duduk saja lapaq, tengah termenung atas katil pun tetiba lapaq :') Why Shu? why? and masa nak tangkap gambar ni, dia sorok bantal busuk dia so, sorry guys. Tidak dapat didedahkan 😜
This is katil Ayu. Dia suka warna hitam, barang dia semua warna hitam. Tapi....... Katil dia warna warni. Why? Dia suka tengok movie atas katil, tetiba je berair mata dia, 5 minute after, gelak pulak. Multiple personality disorder. Pity her. hahahaaha Oh ye, tu warna oren bantal busuk dia. Semorang ada bantal busuk masing-masing 👍👍👍
Almari Ayu and Sam. Indah dengan Shu punya private ahahaha. So almari dia mcm ni je, tak besar, tak kecik. Dalam dia ada drawer satu dibawah dan shelf di atas.
Meja belah kiri, meja Indah tepi dinding.
Drawer ada dua each meja dan ada dua suis
Meja Shu. Barangnya sikit jer and look at my stuff yang sangat banyak tu huhu :') Jangan pelik botol air mineral merata atas meja, itu NYAWA.
Tempat iron dan letak pinggan mangkuk.
Meja Sam dan Ayu.
Model Kurnia. Sam ni budak Art and Design. So barang dia memang banyak dan pandai dia organized hewhew.
That's all for today. Thanks from Kurnia and Unicorn 👋
Dorm tour #UiTM Merbok.
30 September 2017
Finally, dari start sem nak post pasal dorm, tapi masa tidak mengizinkan. Laptop tidak dibuka dan kalau ada masa free, memang golek golek atas katil je. Blog ni umpama tidak wujud, haha so, here I am, I'm back with my dorm tour 😉
I love watching dorm tour on youtube, seriously dengan dorm haul. Tapi college deme memang beza lah ye dengan kat sini.
Sebelum ni jenuh laa cari dekat google sebelum masuk kolej. Nak tahu macam mana tempat dia, macam mana bilik dia tetambah almari kan haha :p then tak ada.
Ada tu, ada la tapi tempat je, tunjuk sekitar-sekitar Universiti je tu pun sikit dan sebelum 2010, terlalu lama. Uitm Merbok ni dah banyak diorang buat bangunan baru, kolej perempuan pun dah bertambah jadi 3, kolej lelaki je tak tahu laa bila nak tambah, kesian laa jugak kat diorang tempat sangat terhad. huhu.
Serba sikit pasal kolej dekat UiTM Merbok :
💜 1 kolej lelaki, 3 kolej perempuan. ( Malinja, Mahsuri, Masria, Murni)
💜 Kolej perempuan bahagian belakang, dan paling jauh Murni. Tabah ya awak awak siapa yang dapat situ huhu :')
💜 Dewan makan di Malinja, Masria dan Murni.
💜 Mahsuri dekat dengan foodcourt je.
💜 Pejabat Kolej dekat Masria.
💜 Indah duduk dekat Mahsuri.
💜 Lagi nak tahu apa? Komen kat bawah okay 😉
💜 Bank atm ada satu je, dekat pintu pagar.
💜 Depan Uitm , dekat luar ada kedai makan. Budak budak UiTM Merbok memang slalu pi makan situ. Penuh dengan kami kami ja hahaha.
💜 Kat sebelah kedai makan tu jugak ada tempat nak sewa kereta. So senang siapa ada lesen nak keluar bawak kereta. Pandu elok elok okay.
Jadi mari teruskan............
First masuk, diri kat pintu tu nampak view ini.
Bilik yang memuatkan 4 orang budak comel hehe.
And this is view from inside of the room.
So kalau korang diri kat pintu, katil double decker ni belah kiri. Atas Indah dan bawah Shu.
Bawah katil tempan simpan ayor mineral dan bag segala macam benda lah.
Belah katil kitorang ada suis kipas, laundary bag (mine), tong sampah dan penyapu semua tu as you can see. Kalendar sponsor by Ayu.
Next, katil belah kanan, Sam atas, Ayu bawah. Penuh dengan mineral jugaaa dan kasut di bawah katil 😝
Dan dekat katil diorang ada cermin, bawah tu laundry basket Sam (she loves pink i tellya)
See. Katil dia warna pink. Kurnia a.k.a bantal busuk dia pun warna pink. Kalau nak tidur pun bersusun jee sebelah beliau. Spesis alarm tepi telinga tak mau bangun budak ni :') yang kitorang ni redha jeeee haha sorry sam xD
This is my katil. No fun stuff, only minion.
Katil Shuuuu. Dia suruh masuk banyak banyak tapi kita pilih satu je hehehehhe. Oh ya, dia ni suka sangat dengan katil dia. Lepas makan baring, lepas mandi baring, lepas exercise pun baring. Specialnya lagi, duduk saja lapaq, tengah termenung atas katil pun tetiba lapaq :') Why Shu? why? and masa nak tangkap gambar ni, dia sorok bantal busuk dia so, sorry guys. Tidak dapat didedahkan 😜
This is katil Ayu. Dia suka warna hitam, barang dia semua warna hitam. Tapi....... Katil dia warna warni. Why? Dia suka tengok movie atas katil, tetiba je berair mata dia, 5 minute after, gelak pulak. Multiple personality disorder. Pity her. hahahaaha Oh ye, tu warna oren bantal busuk dia. Semorang ada bantal busuk masing-masing 👍👍👍
Almari Ayu and Sam. Indah dengan Shu punya private ahahaha. So almari dia mcm ni je, tak besar, tak kecik. Dalam dia ada drawer satu dibawah dan shelf di atas.
Meja belah kiri, meja Indah tepi dinding.
Drawer ada dua each meja dan ada dua suis
Meja Shu. Barangnya sikit jer and look at my stuff yang sangat banyak tu huhu :') Jangan pelik botol air mineral merata atas meja, itu NYAWA.
Tempat iron dan letak pinggan mangkuk.
Meja Sam dan Ayu.
Model Kurnia. Sam ni budak Art and Design. So barang dia memang banyak dan pandai dia organized hewhew.
That's all for today. Thanks from Kurnia and Unicorn 👋
Assalamualaikum and Hi an amazing creature ❤
It is hard to choose the best thing because the life of every person needs plenty of things which are used daily, but here's the top 15 of my favourite.
1. Bantal busuk.
I am the only one who has favourite pillow which people called "bantal busuk" in my family :') I don't know why.... Kena ada sebelum tidur, but takda laa tak tukar, nampak macam dah takleh go tu Indah tukar. Tak macam sesetengah orang, yang tu lah dari kecik sampai besaq 😆 and masa kat college, Sam is the only one yang tahu macam mana nak check Indah dah tidur ke belum hehe, certain certain orang je tahu how and why.......
2. Earphone.
I just love my earphone. That's it and there's one day at college, Tirah, Shiela and I went to the library while waiting for the next class to begin. They both wearing earphone and left me alone.......... Diorang cakap "Tirah pakai earphone tau" "Shiela pun" since Indah tak terfikir pun nak bawak earphone. Memang ngadap buku jelah, cakap dengan deme bukan deme dengor 😭
3. Kipas minion.
Ni bila takda letrik, memang keperluan. Kat kolej pun sama. Bukan yang battery punya, pakai tangan je tekan tekan haha. Actually I am addicted to minion crazily. I have tons of minion stuff, will make an entry bout it.
4. Sleeping mask.
I got this cute sleeping mask from Mr.Diy one year ago. Biasalah duduk dekat college kan, bilik share. Roomate nak buat gheja, kita nak tidur. Sleeping mask ni lah penyelamat mata selain bantal busuk haha.
5. Laptop.
For study and.... blogging lahh cemana nak blog kalau takda laptop? Phone? Tak best, serius. Dengan laptop je yang baru rasa macam seorang blogger haha. Who's with me? Put your hands up 👐
6. Waterbottle.
One in my bagpack, one on my table, one on my bed. I need water as much as I need bantal busuk.
7. Al-Quran.
This is my everything ❤
8. Lip colour/ lip balm/ lip moisturiser.
Kalau korang takda benda ni, bibir kering korang buat apa? Ke Indah punya bibir sorang je yang asik kering dan rasa nak tarik-tarik, you know what I meant 😛
9. Journal.
Journal is helping me so much and keep me organized. Like seriously, you should have one. Writing on journal make my life in college more easier, class schedule, to-do list, assignment and all those stuff, put them on journal and you'll be survive. Okay?
10. Stokin.
For Muslimah, our feet also need to cover, so that's mean we have to wear a sock. Because of that, I love collecting socks 😏 They are cute and colourful.
It is hard to choose the best thing because the life of every person needs plenty of things which are used daily, but here's the top 15 of my favourite.
1. Bantal busuk.
I am the only one who has favourite pillow which people called "bantal busuk" in my family :') I don't know why.... Kena ada sebelum tidur, but takda laa tak tukar, nampak macam dah takleh go tu Indah tukar. Tak macam sesetengah orang, yang tu lah dari kecik sampai besaq 😆 and masa kat college, Sam is the only one yang tahu macam mana nak check Indah dah tidur ke belum hehe, certain certain orang je tahu how and why.......
2. Earphone.
I just love my earphone. That's it and there's one day at college, Tirah, Shiela and I went to the library while waiting for the next class to begin. They both wearing earphone and left me alone.......... Diorang cakap "Tirah pakai earphone tau" "Shiela pun" since Indah tak terfikir pun nak bawak earphone. Memang ngadap buku jelah, cakap dengan deme bukan deme dengor 😭
3. Kipas minion.
Ni bila takda letrik, memang keperluan. Kat kolej pun sama. Bukan yang battery punya, pakai tangan je tekan tekan haha. Actually I am addicted to minion crazily. I have tons of minion stuff, will make an entry bout it.
4. Sleeping mask.
I got this cute sleeping mask from Mr.Diy one year ago. Biasalah duduk dekat college kan, bilik share. Roomate nak buat gheja, kita nak tidur. Sleeping mask ni lah penyelamat mata selain bantal busuk haha.
5. Laptop.
For study and.... blogging lahh cemana nak blog kalau takda laptop? Phone? Tak best, serius. Dengan laptop je yang baru rasa macam seorang blogger haha. Who's with me? Put your hands up 👐
6. Waterbottle.
One in my bagpack, one on my table, one on my bed. I need water as much as I need bantal busuk.
7. Al-Quran.
This is my everything ❤
8. Lip colour/ lip balm/ lip moisturiser.
Kalau korang takda benda ni, bibir kering korang buat apa? Ke Indah punya bibir sorang je yang asik kering dan rasa nak tarik-tarik, you know what I meant 😛
9. Journal.
Journal is helping me so much and keep me organized. Like seriously, you should have one. Writing on journal make my life in college more easier, class schedule, to-do list, assignment and all those stuff, put them on journal and you'll be survive. Okay?
10. Stokin.
For Muslimah, our feet also need to cover, so that's mean we have to wear a sock. Because of that, I love collecting socks 😏 They are cute and colourful.
So what is your most favourite things and why you need them? Give me 3, more is better 😉
10 of My Favourite Things.
29 September 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi an amazing creature ❤
It is hard to choose the best thing because the life of every person needs plenty of things which are used daily, but here's the top 15 of my favourite.
1. Bantal busuk.
I am the only one who has favourite pillow which people called "bantal busuk" in my family :') I don't know why.... Kena ada sebelum tidur, but takda laa tak tukar, nampak macam dah takleh go tu Indah tukar. Tak macam sesetengah orang, yang tu lah dari kecik sampai besaq 😆 and masa kat college, Sam is the only one yang tahu macam mana nak check Indah dah tidur ke belum hehe, certain certain orang je tahu how and why.......
2. Earphone.
I just love my earphone. That's it and there's one day at college, Tirah, Shiela and I went to the library while waiting for the next class to begin. They both wearing earphone and left me alone.......... Diorang cakap "Tirah pakai earphone tau" "Shiela pun" since Indah tak terfikir pun nak bawak earphone. Memang ngadap buku jelah, cakap dengan deme bukan deme dengor 😭
3. Kipas minion.
Ni bila takda letrik, memang keperluan. Kat kolej pun sama. Bukan yang battery punya, pakai tangan je tekan tekan haha. Actually I am addicted to minion crazily. I have tons of minion stuff, will make an entry bout it.
4. Sleeping mask.
I got this cute sleeping mask from Mr.Diy one year ago. Biasalah duduk dekat college kan, bilik share. Roomate nak buat gheja, kita nak tidur. Sleeping mask ni lah penyelamat mata selain bantal busuk haha.
5. Laptop.
For study and.... blogging lahh cemana nak blog kalau takda laptop? Phone? Tak best, serius. Dengan laptop je yang baru rasa macam seorang blogger haha. Who's with me? Put your hands up 👐
6. Waterbottle.
One in my bagpack, one on my table, one on my bed. I need water as much as I need bantal busuk.
7. Al-Quran.
This is my everything ❤
8. Lip colour/ lip balm/ lip moisturiser.
Kalau korang takda benda ni, bibir kering korang buat apa? Ke Indah punya bibir sorang je yang asik kering dan rasa nak tarik-tarik, you know what I meant 😛
9. Journal.
Journal is helping me so much and keep me organized. Like seriously, you should have one. Writing on journal make my life in college more easier, class schedule, to-do list, assignment and all those stuff, put them on journal and you'll be survive. Okay?
10. Stokin.
For Muslimah, our feet also need to cover, so that's mean we have to wear a sock. Because of that, I love collecting socks 😏 They are cute and colourful.
It is hard to choose the best thing because the life of every person needs plenty of things which are used daily, but here's the top 15 of my favourite.
1. Bantal busuk.
I am the only one who has favourite pillow which people called "bantal busuk" in my family :') I don't know why.... Kena ada sebelum tidur, but takda laa tak tukar, nampak macam dah takleh go tu Indah tukar. Tak macam sesetengah orang, yang tu lah dari kecik sampai besaq 😆 and masa kat college, Sam is the only one yang tahu macam mana nak check Indah dah tidur ke belum hehe, certain certain orang je tahu how and why.......
2. Earphone.
I just love my earphone. That's it and there's one day at college, Tirah, Shiela and I went to the library while waiting for the next class to begin. They both wearing earphone and left me alone.......... Diorang cakap "Tirah pakai earphone tau" "Shiela pun" since Indah tak terfikir pun nak bawak earphone. Memang ngadap buku jelah, cakap dengan deme bukan deme dengor 😭
3. Kipas minion.
Ni bila takda letrik, memang keperluan. Kat kolej pun sama. Bukan yang battery punya, pakai tangan je tekan tekan haha. Actually I am addicted to minion crazily. I have tons of minion stuff, will make an entry bout it.
4. Sleeping mask.
I got this cute sleeping mask from Mr.Diy one year ago. Biasalah duduk dekat college kan, bilik share. Roomate nak buat gheja, kita nak tidur. Sleeping mask ni lah penyelamat mata selain bantal busuk haha.
5. Laptop.
For study and.... blogging lahh cemana nak blog kalau takda laptop? Phone? Tak best, serius. Dengan laptop je yang baru rasa macam seorang blogger haha. Who's with me? Put your hands up 👐
6. Waterbottle.
One in my bagpack, one on my table, one on my bed. I need water as much as I need bantal busuk.
7. Al-Quran.
This is my everything ❤
8. Lip colour/ lip balm/ lip moisturiser.
Kalau korang takda benda ni, bibir kering korang buat apa? Ke Indah punya bibir sorang je yang asik kering dan rasa nak tarik-tarik, you know what I meant 😛
9. Journal.
Journal is helping me so much and keep me organized. Like seriously, you should have one. Writing on journal make my life in college more easier, class schedule, to-do list, assignment and all those stuff, put them on journal and you'll be survive. Okay?
10. Stokin.
For Muslimah, our feet also need to cover, so that's mean we have to wear a sock. Because of that, I love collecting socks 😏 They are cute and colourful.
So what is your most favourite things and why you need them? Give me 3, more is better 😉
Assalamualaikum and Hi an amazing hooman ✋
Do you have your favourite YouTuber or video on youtube that you like to watch? I love watching videos on youtube, makeup videos even though I didn't really get into makeup, fashion video even though I'm here look like a potato haha :') I do and kind of vlog what I love the most.
So here are the most, the top, the must, YouTubers videos that I always watch from 😉
And yea, click on their name and check them out!
This is a vlog channel. They update vlog every single day and I watched em without a miss. Oscar and Kyra are the teen parents (but not anymore haha) and Levi (Buggy) and Alaya (mini bug) are the toddlers who are so sooo cute I want to hug them badly, hm 💋. This is the first vlog channel that I followed and I've been their follower since Kyra pregnant of Levi.
2) KKandbabyJ.
I found them KKandbabyJ from OKBABY videos. I don't know how they get closer, they not even a high school friends but I love watching their videos too. There are Khoa and Keren with their kids Jackson and Landon. I love how Keren organized and decorate her house and currently, they are at OKBABY's house because Kyra wants Keren to help her decorate the house. Can't wait to see the result!
3) Meredith Foster.
I love her so much. Beautiful and inspiring. She now rarely uploads the video maybe cause she's busy but I followed her on Instagram where she always updates about her life. Makeup videos, lifestyle, fashion and what I love the most is fitness videos. Meredith was so different before, I meant she now very fit and have muscles and abs than before. Many people said bad things about her but hey, I'm proud of her for what she is now. She also has a vlog channel 😀
4) Jordan Byers.
Lastly, Jordan Byers who I followed because I love the way she talks, the way she communicated with the viewers in the videos. The first video I watched from her is about fake up makeup video. I just comfortable (pun boleh) watching her videos and she's so pretty. Muda setahun dari I uolls :') she looks matured btw, haha.
So that's pretty much cakap cakap (upin ipin's style) about my favourite youtubers. I don't watch fancy makeup videos. Wait, I do watch makeup video but....... Nah I don't know. Dia macam, I'm not a makeup person, so my favourite youtubers pun bukan yang hawt makeup makeup ni haa gittew :') Tapi I tengok jeeeee.
Do you have your favourite YouTuber or video on youtube that you like to watch? I love watching videos on youtube, makeup videos even though I didn't really get into makeup, fashion video even though I'm here look like a potato haha :') I do and kind of vlog what I love the most.
So here are the most, the top, the must, YouTubers videos that I always watch from 😉
And yea, click on their name and check them out!
This is a vlog channel. They update vlog every single day and I watched em without a miss. Oscar and Kyra are the teen parents (but not anymore haha) and Levi (Buggy) and Alaya (mini bug) are the toddlers who are so sooo cute I want to hug them badly, hm 💋. This is the first vlog channel that I followed and I've been their follower since Kyra pregnant of Levi.
2) KKandbabyJ.
I found them KKandbabyJ from OKBABY videos. I don't know how they get closer, they not even a high school friends but I love watching their videos too. There are Khoa and Keren with their kids Jackson and Landon. I love how Keren organized and decorate her house and currently, they are at OKBABY's house because Kyra wants Keren to help her decorate the house. Can't wait to see the result!
3) Meredith Foster.
I love her so much. Beautiful and inspiring. She now rarely uploads the video maybe cause she's busy but I followed her on Instagram where she always updates about her life. Makeup videos, lifestyle, fashion and what I love the most is fitness videos. Meredith was so different before, I meant she now very fit and have muscles and abs than before. Many people said bad things about her but hey, I'm proud of her for what she is now. She also has a vlog channel 😀
4) Jordan Byers.
Lastly, Jordan Byers who I followed because I love the way she talks, the way she communicated with the viewers in the videos. The first video I watched from her is about fake up makeup video. I just comfortable (pun boleh) watching her videos and she's so pretty. Muda setahun dari I uolls :') she looks matured btw, haha.
So that's pretty much cakap cakap (upin ipin's style) about my favourite youtubers. I don't watch fancy makeup videos. Wait, I do watch makeup video but....... Nah I don't know. Dia macam, I'm not a makeup person, so my favourite youtubers pun bukan yang hawt makeup makeup ni haa gittew :') Tapi I tengok jeeeee.
Do you have your favourite youtubers? What kind of video that you love to watch?
What I watched on youtube? | Favourite Youtubers.
6 September 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi an amazing hooman ✋
Do you have your favourite YouTuber or video on youtube that you like to watch? I love watching videos on youtube, makeup videos even though I didn't really get into makeup, fashion video even though I'm here look like a potato haha :') I do and kind of vlog what I love the most.
So here are the most, the top, the must, YouTubers videos that I always watch from 😉
And yea, click on their name and check them out!
This is a vlog channel. They update vlog every single day and I watched em without a miss. Oscar and Kyra are the teen parents (but not anymore haha) and Levi (Buggy) and Alaya (mini bug) are the toddlers who are so sooo cute I want to hug them badly, hm 💋. This is the first vlog channel that I followed and I've been their follower since Kyra pregnant of Levi.
2) KKandbabyJ.
I found them KKandbabyJ from OKBABY videos. I don't know how they get closer, they not even a high school friends but I love watching their videos too. There are Khoa and Keren with their kids Jackson and Landon. I love how Keren organized and decorate her house and currently, they are at OKBABY's house because Kyra wants Keren to help her decorate the house. Can't wait to see the result!
3) Meredith Foster.
I love her so much. Beautiful and inspiring. She now rarely uploads the video maybe cause she's busy but I followed her on Instagram where she always updates about her life. Makeup videos, lifestyle, fashion and what I love the most is fitness videos. Meredith was so different before, I meant she now very fit and have muscles and abs than before. Many people said bad things about her but hey, I'm proud of her for what she is now. She also has a vlog channel 😀
4) Jordan Byers.
Lastly, Jordan Byers who I followed because I love the way she talks, the way she communicated with the viewers in the videos. The first video I watched from her is about fake up makeup video. I just comfortable (pun boleh) watching her videos and she's so pretty. Muda setahun dari I uolls :') she looks matured btw, haha.
So that's pretty much cakap cakap (upin ipin's style) about my favourite youtubers. I don't watch fancy makeup videos. Wait, I do watch makeup video but....... Nah I don't know. Dia macam, I'm not a makeup person, so my favourite youtubers pun bukan yang hawt makeup makeup ni haa gittew :') Tapi I tengok jeeeee.
Do you have your favourite YouTuber or video on youtube that you like to watch? I love watching videos on youtube, makeup videos even though I didn't really get into makeup, fashion video even though I'm here look like a potato haha :') I do and kind of vlog what I love the most.
So here are the most, the top, the must, YouTubers videos that I always watch from 😉
And yea, click on their name and check them out!
This is a vlog channel. They update vlog every single day and I watched em without a miss. Oscar and Kyra are the teen parents (but not anymore haha) and Levi (Buggy) and Alaya (mini bug) are the toddlers who are so sooo cute I want to hug them badly, hm 💋. This is the first vlog channel that I followed and I've been their follower since Kyra pregnant of Levi.
2) KKandbabyJ.
I found them KKandbabyJ from OKBABY videos. I don't know how they get closer, they not even a high school friends but I love watching their videos too. There are Khoa and Keren with their kids Jackson and Landon. I love how Keren organized and decorate her house and currently, they are at OKBABY's house because Kyra wants Keren to help her decorate the house. Can't wait to see the result!
3) Meredith Foster.
I love her so much. Beautiful and inspiring. She now rarely uploads the video maybe cause she's busy but I followed her on Instagram where she always updates about her life. Makeup videos, lifestyle, fashion and what I love the most is fitness videos. Meredith was so different before, I meant she now very fit and have muscles and abs than before. Many people said bad things about her but hey, I'm proud of her for what she is now. She also has a vlog channel 😀
4) Jordan Byers.
Lastly, Jordan Byers who I followed because I love the way she talks, the way she communicated with the viewers in the videos. The first video I watched from her is about fake up makeup video. I just comfortable (pun boleh) watching her videos and she's so pretty. Muda setahun dari I uolls :') she looks matured btw, haha.
So that's pretty much cakap cakap (upin ipin's style) about my favourite youtubers. I don't watch fancy makeup videos. Wait, I do watch makeup video but....... Nah I don't know. Dia macam, I'm not a makeup person, so my favourite youtubers pun bukan yang hawt makeup makeup ni haa gittew :') Tapi I tengok jeeeee.
Do you have your favourite youtubers? What kind of video that you love to watch?
Assalamualaikum and Goodmorning anak-anak muda kebenaran! haha
Lagi beberapa hari je nak daftar masuk sem baru untuk student UiTM. Dah kena start beli barang-barang untuk masuk belajor. Sekarang kan tengah sale merdeka dan Aidiladha, so tunggu apalagiii.... Indah dah buatkan list untuk korang yang baru nak masuk belajar tu, for bakal student part 1 and freshman untuk memudahkan korang packing (college essentials).
Uw rasa nak buat vlog move in to college je haha. Jadi pada hari yang telah diberitahu untuk daftar tu Indah gerak pagi ke UiTM Merbok, Kedah. Awal sangat pukul 5pagi from Perak to Kedah sebab nak sampai sana awal. Sebab nak sampai awal? Nak dapat bilik tingkat bawah dan paling dekat nak angkut barang dalam bilik but.....
You know what? I got bilik kat tingkat 3. haha tapi still bersyukur sebab dapat blok perempuan yg paling dekat dengan kelas 😥 Nak pergi kelas pun 10 minit uolsss ni tak kira kelas dekat cabin lagi, boleh kurus I tell you tapi diri ini tak kurus kurus pun hah cemana tu? Then angkat lah barang ke bilik, parking pun boleh tahan jauh jugak sebab penuh sobs. Masa hari pendaftaran tu pakai baju kurung okay dan bawa apa yang patut, fail-fail dan surat-surat.
Lepas dah settle masuk barang dalam bilik around pkul 10,11 pagi mcm tu, tak kemas pun, letak je then terus zzuupp pergi rumah maksedara kat Kulim, Kedah sebab pukul 2.30 baru berkumpul. Balik dari rumah mak sedara tu tepat tepat je pkul 2.30 so mcm rushing sikit sebab pm bising suruh cepat.
Indah pakai kasut sarung yang flat, tapi dia keras macam kerja office gittew tak sempat nak tukor kasut lain ke apa ke sebab taktahu kan , terus laa pergi tempat berkumpul. Masa dah sampai dewan tu, kena pin bawal 3 pin ke bawah. Yang pin ateh kepala ka ateh bahu ka NO NO NO 👎
Kitorang beratur mengikut kos dan.......... bermula lah minggu orientasi kitorang.
Tak sempat nak babai family peluk peluk ke apa ke sebab sampai lambat tadi en...... sobs 😢
Minggu orientasi tu, nak pergi mana mana memang jalan je, nak pergi Pusat Islam jalan, nak pergi Dewan jalan, memang tiada selain daripadanya untuk kamu semua uhuk kecuali, hujan. Ada sekali tu hujan malam, diorang bagi lah naik bas sebab lebat, kalau tak lebat korang lari jelah. Memang tough ye anak-anak.
Dan pesanan saya ialah, pakai lah kasut yang betul betul selesa, kasut yang bertutup untuk berjalan ke sana sini jangan pakai heels ke apa pulak. Lupakan je semua tu sebab memang korang akan banyak berjalan. Hari keesokkan nya tu ramai pakai kasut sport, sebab apa? Sebab kaki diorang dah melecet termasuklah kaki teman ni haa :') so pakai kasut sukan terus lagi digalakkan.
Baju pulak, korang memang sediakan baju kurung je masa orientasi ni takda pakai baju lain kecuali hari last kena pakai baju kurung putih, tudung UiTM, kain hitam dan kasut bertutup :)
Masa minggu orientasi ni, semua kena cepat. Bangun cepat, makan cepat, jalan cepat, tidur je tak cepat haha. Korang tidur 2,3 jam je. Kalau korang behave la, kalau tak behave diorang bagi tidur 1 jam je. Tidur lambat, bangun awal nak rebut toilet nak mandi lagi. Cakap pasal mandi, sekali sehari je kitorang mandi, masa subuh tu :')
Dan masa makan dia korang diharapkan bawak bersabar sebab.... Indah baru nak duduk dia dah "makan cepat siswi" "ingat makan kat kenduri ke" nak tercekik, serius cakap. So lepas lepas tu indah ambil sikit jelah, sikit sangat sampai budak yg bubuhkan makanan tu tanya "Serius ke kak banyak ni je?" haaa akak rasa nak nangis dik kamu tanya mcm tu haha. Sampai roomate indah, kalau ada buah, makan buah dengan ayor je. Tak habis, marah pula. Jadi ambil sikit, dan makan cepat cepat sampai habis.
Dan masa dalam dewan, ngantuk dia jangan cakap, memang sapa ada dalam dewan tu je yang rasa ngantuk dia tu. Tapi kesian jugak kakak abang pm ada yang tak tidur sebab nak urus kan kitorang en. Terima kasih semuanya *hug*
Sampai ada yang dah tersengguk-sengguk dalam dewan. Kesian dan.... kelakar, sebab ada sorang tu dia tersengguk sampai jadi tumpuan orang ramai kerana terjatuh dari bangku. hahahha tabahlah wahai anak muda! xD
Itu jelah rutin minggu orientasi sampai last day, dan cuti hujung minggu baru basuh kain 👍 kenal-kenal dengan roomate lagi rapat, I dont even know their name okay sebab........ masa first day tu, nak naik bilik pun sesat, bayangkan keluar bilik gelap, masuk bilik gelap hahahaha tu paling kelakar. Bilik dekat blok F1, sesat sampai F2,F3,F4 😆
Anything nak tanya pasal UiTM Merbok you can comment below or DM me at any my social media, Instagram, twitter @syahindahms and you might want to share your orientation experience I would like to read them :D
Thankyou for reading 💌
Lagi beberapa hari je nak daftar masuk sem baru untuk student UiTM. Dah kena start beli barang-barang untuk masuk belajor. Sekarang kan tengah sale merdeka dan Aidiladha, so tunggu apalagiii.... Indah dah buatkan list untuk korang yang baru nak masuk belajar tu, for bakal student part 1 and freshman untuk memudahkan korang packing (college essentials).
Uw rasa nak buat vlog move in to college je haha. Jadi pada hari yang telah diberitahu untuk daftar tu Indah gerak pagi ke UiTM Merbok, Kedah. Awal sangat pukul 5pagi from Perak to Kedah sebab nak sampai sana awal. Sebab nak sampai awal? Nak dapat bilik tingkat bawah dan paling dekat nak angkut barang dalam bilik but.....
Lepas dah settle masuk barang dalam bilik around pkul 10,11 pagi mcm tu, tak kemas pun, letak je then terus zzuupp pergi rumah maksedara kat Kulim, Kedah sebab pukul 2.30 baru berkumpul. Balik dari rumah mak sedara tu tepat tepat je pkul 2.30 so mcm rushing sikit sebab pm bising suruh cepat.
Indah pakai kasut sarung yang flat, tapi dia keras macam kerja office gittew tak sempat nak tukor kasut lain ke apa ke sebab taktahu kan , terus laa pergi tempat berkumpul. Masa dah sampai dewan tu, kena pin bawal 3 pin ke bawah. Yang pin ateh kepala ka ateh bahu ka NO NO NO 👎
Kitorang beratur mengikut kos dan.......... bermula lah minggu orientasi kitorang.
Tak sempat nak babai family peluk peluk ke apa ke sebab sampai lambat tadi en...... sobs 😢
Minggu orientasi tu, nak pergi mana mana memang jalan je, nak pergi Pusat Islam jalan, nak pergi Dewan jalan, memang tiada selain daripadanya untuk kamu semua uhuk kecuali, hujan. Ada sekali tu hujan malam, diorang bagi lah naik bas sebab lebat, kalau tak lebat korang lari jelah. Memang tough ye anak-anak.
Dan pesanan saya ialah, pakai lah kasut yang betul betul selesa, kasut yang bertutup untuk berjalan ke sana sini jangan pakai heels ke apa pulak. Lupakan je semua tu sebab memang korang akan banyak berjalan. Hari keesokkan nya tu ramai pakai kasut sport, sebab apa? Sebab kaki diorang dah melecet termasuklah kaki teman ni haa :') so pakai kasut sukan terus lagi digalakkan.
Baju pulak, korang memang sediakan baju kurung je masa orientasi ni takda pakai baju lain kecuali hari last kena pakai baju kurung putih, tudung UiTM, kain hitam dan kasut bertutup :)
Masa minggu orientasi ni, semua kena cepat. Bangun cepat, makan cepat, jalan cepat, tidur je tak cepat haha. Korang tidur 2,3 jam je. Kalau korang behave la, kalau tak behave diorang bagi tidur 1 jam je. Tidur lambat, bangun awal nak rebut toilet nak mandi lagi. Cakap pasal mandi, sekali sehari je kitorang mandi, masa subuh tu :')
Dan masa makan dia korang diharapkan bawak bersabar sebab.... Indah baru nak duduk dia dah "makan cepat siswi" "ingat makan kat kenduri ke" nak tercekik, serius cakap. So lepas lepas tu indah ambil sikit jelah, sikit sangat sampai budak yg bubuhkan makanan tu tanya "Serius ke kak banyak ni je?" haaa akak rasa nak nangis dik kamu tanya mcm tu haha. Sampai roomate indah, kalau ada buah, makan buah dengan ayor je. Tak habis, marah pula. Jadi ambil sikit, dan makan cepat cepat sampai habis.
Dan masa dalam dewan, ngantuk dia jangan cakap, memang sapa ada dalam dewan tu je yang rasa ngantuk dia tu. Tapi kesian jugak kakak abang pm ada yang tak tidur sebab nak urus kan kitorang en. Terima kasih semuanya *hug*
Sampai ada yang dah tersengguk-sengguk dalam dewan. Kesian dan.... kelakar, sebab ada sorang tu dia tersengguk sampai jadi tumpuan orang ramai kerana terjatuh dari bangku. hahahha tabahlah wahai anak muda! xD
Itu jelah rutin minggu orientasi sampai last day, dan cuti hujung minggu baru basuh kain 👍 kenal-kenal dengan roomate lagi rapat, I dont even know their name okay sebab........ masa first day tu, nak naik bilik pun sesat, bayangkan keluar bilik gelap, masuk bilik gelap hahahaha tu paling kelakar. Bilik dekat blok F1, sesat sampai F2,F3,F4 😆
Anything nak tanya pasal UiTM Merbok you can comment below or DM me at any my social media, Instagram, twitter @syahindahms and you might want to share your orientation experience I would like to read them :D
Move in & Minggu Orientasi #UitmMerbok.
29 August 2017
Assalamualaikum and Goodmorning anak-anak muda kebenaran! haha
Lagi beberapa hari je nak daftar masuk sem baru untuk student UiTM. Dah kena start beli barang-barang untuk masuk belajor. Sekarang kan tengah sale merdeka dan Aidiladha, so tunggu apalagiii.... Indah dah buatkan list untuk korang yang baru nak masuk belajar tu, for bakal student part 1 and freshman untuk memudahkan korang packing (college essentials).
Uw rasa nak buat vlog move in to college je haha. Jadi pada hari yang telah diberitahu untuk daftar tu Indah gerak pagi ke UiTM Merbok, Kedah. Awal sangat pukul 5pagi from Perak to Kedah sebab nak sampai sana awal. Sebab nak sampai awal? Nak dapat bilik tingkat bawah dan paling dekat nak angkut barang dalam bilik but.....
You know what? I got bilik kat tingkat 3. haha tapi still bersyukur sebab dapat blok perempuan yg paling dekat dengan kelas 😥 Nak pergi kelas pun 10 minit uolsss ni tak kira kelas dekat cabin lagi, boleh kurus I tell you tapi diri ini tak kurus kurus pun hah cemana tu? Then angkat lah barang ke bilik, parking pun boleh tahan jauh jugak sebab penuh sobs. Masa hari pendaftaran tu pakai baju kurung okay dan bawa apa yang patut, fail-fail dan surat-surat.
Lepas dah settle masuk barang dalam bilik around pkul 10,11 pagi mcm tu, tak kemas pun, letak je then terus zzuupp pergi rumah maksedara kat Kulim, Kedah sebab pukul 2.30 baru berkumpul. Balik dari rumah mak sedara tu tepat tepat je pkul 2.30 so mcm rushing sikit sebab pm bising suruh cepat.
Indah pakai kasut sarung yang flat, tapi dia keras macam kerja office gittew tak sempat nak tukor kasut lain ke apa ke sebab taktahu kan , terus laa pergi tempat berkumpul. Masa dah sampai dewan tu, kena pin bawal 3 pin ke bawah. Yang pin ateh kepala ka ateh bahu ka NO NO NO 👎
Kitorang beratur mengikut kos dan.......... bermula lah minggu orientasi kitorang.
Tak sempat nak babai family peluk peluk ke apa ke sebab sampai lambat tadi en...... sobs 😢
Minggu orientasi tu, nak pergi mana mana memang jalan je, nak pergi Pusat Islam jalan, nak pergi Dewan jalan, memang tiada selain daripadanya untuk kamu semua uhuk kecuali, hujan. Ada sekali tu hujan malam, diorang bagi lah naik bas sebab lebat, kalau tak lebat korang lari jelah. Memang tough ye anak-anak.
Dan pesanan saya ialah, pakai lah kasut yang betul betul selesa, kasut yang bertutup untuk berjalan ke sana sini jangan pakai heels ke apa pulak. Lupakan je semua tu sebab memang korang akan banyak berjalan. Hari keesokkan nya tu ramai pakai kasut sport, sebab apa? Sebab kaki diorang dah melecet termasuklah kaki teman ni haa :') so pakai kasut sukan terus lagi digalakkan.
Baju pulak, korang memang sediakan baju kurung je masa orientasi ni takda pakai baju lain kecuali hari last kena pakai baju kurung putih, tudung UiTM, kain hitam dan kasut bertutup :)
Masa minggu orientasi ni, semua kena cepat. Bangun cepat, makan cepat, jalan cepat, tidur je tak cepat haha. Korang tidur 2,3 jam je. Kalau korang behave la, kalau tak behave diorang bagi tidur 1 jam je. Tidur lambat, bangun awal nak rebut toilet nak mandi lagi. Cakap pasal mandi, sekali sehari je kitorang mandi, masa subuh tu :')
Dan masa makan dia korang diharapkan bawak bersabar sebab.... Indah baru nak duduk dia dah "makan cepat siswi" "ingat makan kat kenduri ke" nak tercekik, serius cakap. So lepas lepas tu indah ambil sikit jelah, sikit sangat sampai budak yg bubuhkan makanan tu tanya "Serius ke kak banyak ni je?" haaa akak rasa nak nangis dik kamu tanya mcm tu haha. Sampai roomate indah, kalau ada buah, makan buah dengan ayor je. Tak habis, marah pula. Jadi ambil sikit, dan makan cepat cepat sampai habis.
Dan masa dalam dewan, ngantuk dia jangan cakap, memang sapa ada dalam dewan tu je yang rasa ngantuk dia tu. Tapi kesian jugak kakak abang pm ada yang tak tidur sebab nak urus kan kitorang en. Terima kasih semuanya *hug*
Sampai ada yang dah tersengguk-sengguk dalam dewan. Kesian dan.... kelakar, sebab ada sorang tu dia tersengguk sampai jadi tumpuan orang ramai kerana terjatuh dari bangku. hahahha tabahlah wahai anak muda! xD
Itu jelah rutin minggu orientasi sampai last day, dan cuti hujung minggu baru basuh kain 👍 kenal-kenal dengan roomate lagi rapat, I dont even know their name okay sebab........ masa first day tu, nak naik bilik pun sesat, bayangkan keluar bilik gelap, masuk bilik gelap hahahaha tu paling kelakar. Bilik dekat blok F1, sesat sampai F2,F3,F4 😆
Anything nak tanya pasal UiTM Merbok you can comment below or DM me at any my social media, Instagram, twitter @syahindahms and you might want to share your orientation experience I would like to read them :D
Thankyou for reading 💌
Lagi beberapa hari je nak daftar masuk sem baru untuk student UiTM. Dah kena start beli barang-barang untuk masuk belajor. Sekarang kan tengah sale merdeka dan Aidiladha, so tunggu apalagiii.... Indah dah buatkan list untuk korang yang baru nak masuk belajar tu, for bakal student part 1 and freshman untuk memudahkan korang packing (college essentials).
Uw rasa nak buat vlog move in to college je haha. Jadi pada hari yang telah diberitahu untuk daftar tu Indah gerak pagi ke UiTM Merbok, Kedah. Awal sangat pukul 5pagi from Perak to Kedah sebab nak sampai sana awal. Sebab nak sampai awal? Nak dapat bilik tingkat bawah dan paling dekat nak angkut barang dalam bilik but.....
Lepas dah settle masuk barang dalam bilik around pkul 10,11 pagi mcm tu, tak kemas pun, letak je then terus zzuupp pergi rumah maksedara kat Kulim, Kedah sebab pukul 2.30 baru berkumpul. Balik dari rumah mak sedara tu tepat tepat je pkul 2.30 so mcm rushing sikit sebab pm bising suruh cepat.
Indah pakai kasut sarung yang flat, tapi dia keras macam kerja office gittew tak sempat nak tukor kasut lain ke apa ke sebab taktahu kan , terus laa pergi tempat berkumpul. Masa dah sampai dewan tu, kena pin bawal 3 pin ke bawah. Yang pin ateh kepala ka ateh bahu ka NO NO NO 👎
Kitorang beratur mengikut kos dan.......... bermula lah minggu orientasi kitorang.
Tak sempat nak babai family peluk peluk ke apa ke sebab sampai lambat tadi en...... sobs 😢
Minggu orientasi tu, nak pergi mana mana memang jalan je, nak pergi Pusat Islam jalan, nak pergi Dewan jalan, memang tiada selain daripadanya untuk kamu semua uhuk kecuali, hujan. Ada sekali tu hujan malam, diorang bagi lah naik bas sebab lebat, kalau tak lebat korang lari jelah. Memang tough ye anak-anak.
Dan pesanan saya ialah, pakai lah kasut yang betul betul selesa, kasut yang bertutup untuk berjalan ke sana sini jangan pakai heels ke apa pulak. Lupakan je semua tu sebab memang korang akan banyak berjalan. Hari keesokkan nya tu ramai pakai kasut sport, sebab apa? Sebab kaki diorang dah melecet termasuklah kaki teman ni haa :') so pakai kasut sukan terus lagi digalakkan.
Baju pulak, korang memang sediakan baju kurung je masa orientasi ni takda pakai baju lain kecuali hari last kena pakai baju kurung putih, tudung UiTM, kain hitam dan kasut bertutup :)
Masa minggu orientasi ni, semua kena cepat. Bangun cepat, makan cepat, jalan cepat, tidur je tak cepat haha. Korang tidur 2,3 jam je. Kalau korang behave la, kalau tak behave diorang bagi tidur 1 jam je. Tidur lambat, bangun awal nak rebut toilet nak mandi lagi. Cakap pasal mandi, sekali sehari je kitorang mandi, masa subuh tu :')
Dan masa makan dia korang diharapkan bawak bersabar sebab.... Indah baru nak duduk dia dah "makan cepat siswi" "ingat makan kat kenduri ke" nak tercekik, serius cakap. So lepas lepas tu indah ambil sikit jelah, sikit sangat sampai budak yg bubuhkan makanan tu tanya "Serius ke kak banyak ni je?" haaa akak rasa nak nangis dik kamu tanya mcm tu haha. Sampai roomate indah, kalau ada buah, makan buah dengan ayor je. Tak habis, marah pula. Jadi ambil sikit, dan makan cepat cepat sampai habis.
Dan masa dalam dewan, ngantuk dia jangan cakap, memang sapa ada dalam dewan tu je yang rasa ngantuk dia tu. Tapi kesian jugak kakak abang pm ada yang tak tidur sebab nak urus kan kitorang en. Terima kasih semuanya *hug*
Sampai ada yang dah tersengguk-sengguk dalam dewan. Kesian dan.... kelakar, sebab ada sorang tu dia tersengguk sampai jadi tumpuan orang ramai kerana terjatuh dari bangku. hahahha tabahlah wahai anak muda! xD
Itu jelah rutin minggu orientasi sampai last day, dan cuti hujung minggu baru basuh kain 👍 kenal-kenal dengan roomate lagi rapat, I dont even know their name okay sebab........ masa first day tu, nak naik bilik pun sesat, bayangkan keluar bilik gelap, masuk bilik gelap hahahaha tu paling kelakar. Bilik dekat blok F1, sesat sampai F2,F3,F4 😆
Anything nak tanya pasal UiTM Merbok you can comment below or DM me at any my social media, Instagram, twitter @syahindahms and you might want to share your orientation experience I would like to read them :D
Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone.
Last Wednesday, I went out for a movie with Farah and we watched "Hijabsta Ballet". I asked her to make a review about this movie for my blog and she did! I love the way she wrote, so this is the review.........
Last Wednesday, I went out for a movie with Farah and we watched "Hijabsta Ballet". I asked her to make a review about this movie for my blog and she did! I love the way she wrote, so this is the review.........
For someone who loved watching movies, I always wished how local movies can reach out to the people the same way how International movies have done to me. Movies that inspired us moved us, that's the kind of movie I want to watch. Unfortunately, there's not a lot happening in Malaysia. The film industry focused more on romantic, superstition and thriller movies over these years.
I hoped they'll expand the genre here in Malaysia because there are other genres that should be out there too. Sometimes, I feel that movies does not necessary have to waste our time. Maybe if the film industry can make it into something educational or inspiring, I believe it will be much more beneficial at the same time reach out to not just children but also until senior citizens as well.
A movie should be entertaining and at the same time be something that a family, a couple, and children can watch. I would say there are some movies I find it to be a quality one although it's not famous. Some of it is Ola Bola and Kill. There are some on Yasmin Ahmad's movie such as Talentime too. I think this kind of movies should be given credits and should be reaching out to locals.
Recently, another movie has caught my attention. It's Hijabsta Ballet. I watched it at Gsc Ipoh Parade. Although the title is a little bit off for some because most will judge or questioned "How does someone who wore hijab join this field". However, I would really suggest you to watch it. It is not just inspiring but full with moral values too. I am amazed that the movie is using the real Malay language (bm yang baku) which fascinates me since it's been a while since I heard it. HAHA don't worry, they also have English and Chinese translations as well since we live in a multicultural country filled with multi-ethnic people.
What interests me most is that this girl is so driven to make sure she succeeds even when it's impossible. Even with obstacles around her, her stand to put on a hijab because of her faith remains no matter how people said it was ridiculous. It does not only portray strength but also courage towards the actor as the story goes along.
That is something to motivate children that you don't just give up with your passion when life becomes hard. You try and try until the very end. Then if it does not happen the way you hope for, at least you won't look back and regret because you know that you've tried.
What I really appreciate most about the movie is that it explained to us why it happened the way it did at the end it. They don't just explain but they make us understand those reasons. That is something we don't see a lot of local movies. Honestly, I would really encourage you to watch it. It's a movie that can be put into discussion, a movie that can be used as a reference in school, a movie that should be talked about.
Unfortunately, the ratings are not good since most people do not know about this and they also refuse to watch Malay movies due to the stereotypes on how the ending is predictable. I think this movie has a chance of standing up because they deserve it. I hope you can also give this movie a chance by watching it.
For a local movie, I did not expect it to be this good. It gives me the same feeling as I was watching Ola bola. That's how good I think this movie is and it should be recognized. If and only if you watched it too ;)
Movie Worth Watching : Hijabsta Ballet.
12 August 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone.
Last Wednesday, I went out for a movie with Farah and we watched "Hijabsta Ballet". I asked her to make a review about this movie for my blog and she did! I love the way she wrote, so this is the review.........
Last Wednesday, I went out for a movie with Farah and we watched "Hijabsta Ballet". I asked her to make a review about this movie for my blog and she did! I love the way she wrote, so this is the review.........
For someone who loved watching movies, I always wished how local movies can reach out to the people the same way how International movies have done to me. Movies that inspired us moved us, that's the kind of movie I want to watch. Unfortunately, there's not a lot happening in Malaysia. The film industry focused more on romantic, superstition and thriller movies over these years.
I hoped they'll expand the genre here in Malaysia because there are other genres that should be out there too. Sometimes, I feel that movies does not necessary have to waste our time. Maybe if the film industry can make it into something educational or inspiring, I believe it will be much more beneficial at the same time reach out to not just children but also until senior citizens as well.
A movie should be entertaining and at the same time be something that a family, a couple, and children can watch. I would say there are some movies I find it to be a quality one although it's not famous. Some of it is Ola Bola and Kill. There are some on Yasmin Ahmad's movie such as Talentime too. I think this kind of movies should be given credits and should be reaching out to locals.
Recently, another movie has caught my attention. It's Hijabsta Ballet. I watched it at Gsc Ipoh Parade. Although the title is a little bit off for some because most will judge or questioned "How does someone who wore hijab join this field". However, I would really suggest you to watch it. It is not just inspiring but full with moral values too. I am amazed that the movie is using the real Malay language (bm yang baku) which fascinates me since it's been a while since I heard it. HAHA don't worry, they also have English and Chinese translations as well since we live in a multicultural country filled with multi-ethnic people.
What interests me most is that this girl is so driven to make sure she succeeds even when it's impossible. Even with obstacles around her, her stand to put on a hijab because of her faith remains no matter how people said it was ridiculous. It does not only portray strength but also courage towards the actor as the story goes along.
That is something to motivate children that you don't just give up with your passion when life becomes hard. You try and try until the very end. Then if it does not happen the way you hope for, at least you won't look back and regret because you know that you've tried.
What I really appreciate most about the movie is that it explained to us why it happened the way it did at the end it. They don't just explain but they make us understand those reasons. That is something we don't see a lot of local movies. Honestly, I would really encourage you to watch it. It's a movie that can be put into discussion, a movie that can be used as a reference in school, a movie that should be talked about.
Unfortunately, the ratings are not good since most people do not know about this and they also refuse to watch Malay movies due to the stereotypes on how the ending is predictable. I think this movie has a chance of standing up because they deserve it. I hope you can also give this movie a chance by watching it.
For a local movie, I did not expect it to be this good. It gives me the same feeling as I was watching Ola bola. That's how good I think this movie is and it should be recognized. If and only if you watched it too ;)
Assalamualaikum and Hi everyoneeee!
Heading to college for the first time can be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. Between moving away from your friends and family, scheduling classes, choosing a major and learning you're away from your school, an incoming freshman has plenty to worry about. That's why I want to make one of the most stressful parts of college a little bit easier.
Today, I'm sharing a college packing list of everything you'll need to bring with you to your new dorm or room. Yes, of course everyone is going to have a few things that aren't on this list but, this packing list covers all of the basics!
Oh yaa, I'm a student from UiTM Merbok, Sungai Petani. The classes will be starting soon so, let's packing! I sorted everything into different totes which helped transport all my things and ensured that everything would stay somewhat organized.
🔺 Documents needed.
🔺 College ID Card / Lanyard.
🔺 ATM Card / IC.
🔺 Purse.
Oh yaa, I'm a student from UiTM Merbok, Sungai Petani. The classes will be starting soon so, let's packing! I sorted everything into different totes which helped transport all my things and ensured that everything would stay somewhat organized.
🔺 Documents needed.
🔺 College ID Card / Lanyard.
🔺 ATM Card / IC.
🔺 Purse.
🏠 Bantal busuk.
🏠 Pillows.
🏠 Bedsheets.
🏠 Dusty Bin.
🏠 Broom/dustpan.
🏠 Hooks.
🏠 Trash bag
🏠 Comforter.
🏠 Desk lamp.
🏠 Laundry basket.
🏠 Pillowcases.
🏠 Blanket.
🏠 Torchlight.
🏠 Hangers.
🏠 Mangga untuk almari.
🏠 Iron board/Iron.
🏠 Storage bin.
🏠 Big/Small drawer.
🏠 Mini fan.
🏠 Blanket.
🏠 Torchlight.
🏠 Hangers.
🏠 Mangga untuk almari.
🏠 Iron board/Iron.
🏠 Storage bin.
🏠 Big/Small drawer.
🏠 Mini fan.
3. Stationery.
✐ Al-Quran.
✐ Pencil box.
✐ Notebook.
✐ Laptop + Charger.
✐ Calendar.
✐ Pencil box.
✐ Notebook.
✐ Laptop + Charger.
✐ Calendar.
✐ Tape.
✐ Calculator.
✐ Powerbank.
✐ Phone + Charger.
✐ Backpack.
✐ Push Pins.
✐ Matric Card.
✐ Lanyard.
✐ Hooks.
✐ Pendrive.
✐ Printer/ink.
✐ Passport photo.
4. Toiletries & Personal.
🚿 Shampoo.
🚿 Skincare: cleanser, moisturiser, sunscreen.
🚿 Cotton bud.
🚿 Dental stuff: Toothbrush, etc.
🚿 Deodorant.
🚿 Eyeglasses.
🚿 Hair brush.
🚿 Mirror.
🚿 Perfume.
🚿 Tissues.
🚿 Bath towels.
🚿 Slipper.
🚿 Hangers.
🚿 Detergent.
🚿 Laundry basket.
🚿 Shower caddy.
🚿 Body Bath.
🚿 Hairband.
🚿 Febreze.
🚿 Shower Shoes.
🚿 Medicines.
🚿 Earphone.
🚿 Umbrella.
🚿 Feminine stuff.
🚿 Cotton bud.
🚿 Pin tudung.
🚿 Hangers.
🚿 Sewing kit.
🚿 Detergent.
🚿 Hairband.
🚿 Febreze.
🚿 Shower Shoes.
🚿 Medicines.
🚿 Earphone.
🚿 Umbrella.
🚿 Feminine stuff.
🚿 Cotton bud.
🚿 Pin tudung.
🚿 Hangers.
🚿 Sewing kit.
🚿 Detergent.
🚿 Purse.
5. Clothing.
Don't pack much clothing, only bring items that you wear regularly.
👚 Baju kurung.
👚 Sweaters.
👚 Pyjamas.
👚 T-shirt.
👚 Casual clothes.
👚 Shawls.
👚 Underwear/bra.
👚 Socks.
👚 Shoes.
👚 Scarf.
👚 Blouse.
👚 Singlet.
👚 Handsocks.
👚 Inner.
👚 Skirt.
👚 Pants.
👚 Telekung/Sejadah.
6. Kitchen items and Food.
🍲 Mugs.
🍲 Bowl/plates.
🍲 Dish soap.
🍲 Spoon.
🍲 Food containers/Tupperware.
🍲 Bottle.
🍲 Water bottle.
🍲 Snacks.
What I Pack for College : COLLEGE ESSENTIALS.
9 August 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi everyoneeee!
Heading to college for the first time can be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. Between moving away from your friends and family, scheduling classes, choosing a major and learning you're away from your school, an incoming freshman has plenty to worry about. That's why I want to make one of the most stressful parts of college a little bit easier.
Today, I'm sharing a college packing list of everything you'll need to bring with you to your new dorm or room. Yes, of course everyone is going to have a few things that aren't on this list but, this packing list covers all of the basics!
Oh yaa, I'm a student from UiTM Merbok, Sungai Petani. The classes will be starting soon so, let's packing! I sorted everything into different totes which helped transport all my things and ensured that everything would stay somewhat organized.
🔺 Documents needed.
🔺 College ID Card / Lanyard.
🔺 ATM Card / IC.
🔺 Purse.
Oh yaa, I'm a student from UiTM Merbok, Sungai Petani. The classes will be starting soon so, let's packing! I sorted everything into different totes which helped transport all my things and ensured that everything would stay somewhat organized.
🔺 Documents needed.
🔺 College ID Card / Lanyard.
🔺 ATM Card / IC.
🔺 Purse.
🏠 Bantal busuk.
🏠 Pillows.
🏠 Bedsheets.
🏠 Dusty Bin.
🏠 Broom/dustpan.
🏠 Hooks.
🏠 Trash bag
🏠 Comforter.
🏠 Desk lamp.
🏠 Laundry basket.
🏠 Pillowcases.
🏠 Blanket.
🏠 Torchlight.
🏠 Hangers.
🏠 Mangga untuk almari.
🏠 Iron board/Iron.
🏠 Storage bin.
🏠 Big/Small drawer.
🏠 Mini fan.
🏠 Blanket.
🏠 Torchlight.
🏠 Hangers.
🏠 Mangga untuk almari.
🏠 Iron board/Iron.
🏠 Storage bin.
🏠 Big/Small drawer.
🏠 Mini fan.
3. Stationery.
✐ Al-Quran.
✐ Pencil box.
✐ Notebook.
✐ Laptop + Charger.
✐ Calendar.
✐ Pencil box.
✐ Notebook.
✐ Laptop + Charger.
✐ Calendar.
✐ Tape.
✐ Calculator.
✐ Powerbank.
✐ Phone + Charger.
✐ Backpack.
✐ Push Pins.
✐ Matric Card.
✐ Lanyard.
✐ Hooks.
✐ Pendrive.
✐ Printer/ink.
✐ Passport photo.
4. Toiletries & Personal.
🚿 Shampoo.
🚿 Skincare: cleanser, moisturiser, sunscreen.
🚿 Cotton bud.
🚿 Dental stuff: Toothbrush, etc.
🚿 Deodorant.
🚿 Eyeglasses.
🚿 Hair brush.
🚿 Mirror.
🚿 Perfume.
🚿 Tissues.
🚿 Bath towels.
🚿 Slipper.
🚿 Hangers.
🚿 Detergent.
🚿 Laundry basket.
🚿 Shower caddy.
🚿 Body Bath.
🚿 Hairband.
🚿 Febreze.
🚿 Shower Shoes.
🚿 Medicines.
🚿 Earphone.
🚿 Umbrella.
🚿 Feminine stuff.
🚿 Cotton bud.
🚿 Pin tudung.
🚿 Hangers.
🚿 Sewing kit.
🚿 Detergent.
🚿 Hairband.
🚿 Febreze.
🚿 Shower Shoes.
🚿 Medicines.
🚿 Earphone.
🚿 Umbrella.
🚿 Feminine stuff.
🚿 Cotton bud.
🚿 Pin tudung.
🚿 Hangers.
🚿 Sewing kit.
🚿 Detergent.
🚿 Purse.
5. Clothing.
Don't pack much clothing, only bring items that you wear regularly.
👚 Baju kurung.
👚 Sweaters.
👚 Pyjamas.
👚 T-shirt.
👚 Casual clothes.
👚 Shawls.
👚 Underwear/bra.
👚 Socks.
👚 Shoes.
👚 Scarf.
👚 Blouse.
👚 Singlet.
👚 Handsocks.
👚 Inner.
👚 Skirt.
👚 Pants.
👚 Telekung/Sejadah.
6. Kitchen items and Food.
🍲 Mugs.
🍲 Bowl/plates.
🍲 Dish soap.
🍲 Spoon.
🍲 Food containers/Tupperware.
🍲 Bottle.
🍲 Water bottle.
🍲 Snacks.
Assalamualaikum and Hi people.
While I'm blog walking from one to another, I saw many of them have an entry about their hijab story which is I found quite interesting, inspiring, encourage and motivate people who are reading :) and yazzz girl I love reading them <3 so I thought I want to share my hijab experience. When and why I started wearing hijab.
I started wearing the hijab in standard 1 but, only when I go to school. Bila balik, haaaa free hair komer xD Main basikal tak sedar diri. cause when I was in primary school, I love to play a lot with my neighbourhood friends. Badminton, penggal kasut, ting ting, lompat jauh made by my self, haha special hoccayyy and what else. I miss my childhood.
Until one day, when I was 10 y/o, I was riding my bicycle to my friend house want to play, then I bumped into my guy friends and one of them shout at me like "Hey, why you do not wear hijab?! I'll tell Ustaz tomorrow in the class!" and I was like riding my bicycle very fast going back home and wore tudung sarung (hijab). My mom asked me why I wanted to wear hijab and I said "My friend wants to tell Ustaz tomorrow that I'm not wearing hijab with my afraid + nervous + annoyed face :') and yeah, my mom laugh at me.
That is it the story how I started wearing the Hijab, and Alhamdulillah I still wearing hijab and will never take it off :')
But for all the Muslim girls out there thinking that the hijab is a choice I’m going to tell you that it’s not. The hijab is a part of the Muslim woman just like the prayers. We must wear it. We have to. Cause Allah SWT said himself, it is your choice not to believe.
Here are some words for ya :)
I don’t want to be the reason why you start a fight with your husband because he realised that my hair is better than yours and that my hips are really wide and yours are not… so he’s been staring at me for a good 2 minutes.
So I’m protecting you too.
Thank me later.
I’d rather be oppressed by my religion, by something I believe in than by a society that doesn’t care about me unless I’m what they want me to be.
While I'm blog walking from one to another, I saw many of them have an entry about their hijab story which is I found quite interesting, inspiring, encourage and motivate people who are reading :) and yazzz girl I love reading them <3 so I thought I want to share my hijab experience. When and why I started wearing hijab.
I started wearing the hijab in standard 1 but, only when I go to school. Bila balik, haaaa free hair komer xD Main basikal tak sedar diri. cause when I was in primary school, I love to play a lot with my neighbourhood friends. Badminton, penggal kasut, ting ting, lompat jauh made by my self, haha special hoccayyy and what else. I miss my childhood.
Until one day, when I was 10 y/o, I was riding my bicycle to my friend house want to play, then I bumped into my guy friends and one of them shout at me like "Hey, why you do not wear hijab?! I'll tell Ustaz tomorrow in the class!" and I was like riding my bicycle very fast going back home and wore tudung sarung (hijab). My mom asked me why I wanted to wear hijab and I said "My friend wants to tell Ustaz tomorrow that I'm not wearing hijab with my afraid + nervous + annoyed face :') and yeah, my mom laugh at me.
That is it the story how I started wearing the Hijab, and Alhamdulillah I still wearing hijab and will never take it off :')
I’ve heard different opinions on the hijab but most of the people I know do not care about it, they won’t judge you for it.

That doesn’t mean that wearing the hijab makes you a good person, no! I’ve been told and I saw some videos where pickpocket in Malaysia are wearing the niqab. Sad.
I was never been forced to wear the hijab. But wear the sock, yes. My mom forced me to do that, but for my own good. It was hard at the beginning but now I feel naked without it and I will tell you why.
My hijab is covering me. I don’t feel like a target when I’m wearing it. Pergi pasar malam ka shopping ka, I feel safe. I feel special in this world where everybody wants a decent wife but also want to fool around with the girl wearing the shortest skirt. In a world where girls are looking in magazines to know if the next trend is short skirts or sleeveless dresses… I feel special cause I don’t have to. I can wear all these but for me and for the persons who deserve to see my body, not for everybody.
I’m decent, not oppressed. I feel bad for my Muslim friends out there which been attacked cause wearing hijab :')
To all the person thinking that we Muslim women oppressed cause we are wearing the hijab.........I’m decent, not oppressed. I feel bad for my Muslim friends out there which been attacked cause wearing hijab :')
(Yazzzz redness cause I have a very sensitive skin)
Here are some words for ya :)
"Are you sure you’re not the one oppressed ?"
"Wearing the heaviest makeup so the boy next door can notice you? "
"Trying to be the super skinny person on earth just to be wearing that dress Kate Moss wore last night? "
"Are you sure you’re not the one oppressed ?"
I don’t want to be the reason why you start a fight with your husband because he realised that my hair is better than yours and that my hips are really wide and yours are not… so he’s been staring at me for a good 2 minutes.
So I’m protecting you too.
Thank me later.
I’d rather be oppressed by my religion, by something I believe in than by a society that doesn’t care about me unless I’m what they want me to be.
My hijab makes me feel powerful because, in a world where a woman body is a marketing product, I’m the one who decides how much of my body I want you to see.
I’m not scared to wear the hijab because I know that I’ve more than a beautiful body to offer. I have a beautiful soul that I consider way more important.
My Not So Funny Hijab Story But I think It Is :')
25 July 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi people.
While I'm blog walking from one to another, I saw many of them have an entry about their hijab story which is I found quite interesting, inspiring, encourage and motivate people who are reading :) and yazzz girl I love reading them <3 so I thought I want to share my hijab experience. When and why I started wearing hijab.
I started wearing the hijab in standard 1 but, only when I go to school. Bila balik, haaaa free hair komer xD Main basikal tak sedar diri. cause when I was in primary school, I love to play a lot with my neighbourhood friends. Badminton, penggal kasut, ting ting, lompat jauh made by my self, haha special hoccayyy and what else. I miss my childhood.
Until one day, when I was 10 y/o, I was riding my bicycle to my friend house want to play, then I bumped into my guy friends and one of them shout at me like "Hey, why you do not wear hijab?! I'll tell Ustaz tomorrow in the class!" and I was like riding my bicycle very fast going back home and wore tudung sarung (hijab). My mom asked me why I wanted to wear hijab and I said "My friend wants to tell Ustaz tomorrow that I'm not wearing hijab with my afraid + nervous + annoyed face :') and yeah, my mom laugh at me.
That is it the story how I started wearing the Hijab, and Alhamdulillah I still wearing hijab and will never take it off :')
But for all the Muslim girls out there thinking that the hijab is a choice I’m going to tell you that it’s not. The hijab is a part of the Muslim woman just like the prayers. We must wear it. We have to. Cause Allah SWT said himself, it is your choice not to believe.
Here are some words for ya :)
I don’t want to be the reason why you start a fight with your husband because he realised that my hair is better than yours and that my hips are really wide and yours are not… so he’s been staring at me for a good 2 minutes.
So I’m protecting you too.
Thank me later.
I’d rather be oppressed by my religion, by something I believe in than by a society that doesn’t care about me unless I’m what they want me to be.
While I'm blog walking from one to another, I saw many of them have an entry about their hijab story which is I found quite interesting, inspiring, encourage and motivate people who are reading :) and yazzz girl I love reading them <3 so I thought I want to share my hijab experience. When and why I started wearing hijab.
I started wearing the hijab in standard 1 but, only when I go to school. Bila balik, haaaa free hair komer xD Main basikal tak sedar diri. cause when I was in primary school, I love to play a lot with my neighbourhood friends. Badminton, penggal kasut, ting ting, lompat jauh made by my self, haha special hoccayyy and what else. I miss my childhood.
Until one day, when I was 10 y/o, I was riding my bicycle to my friend house want to play, then I bumped into my guy friends and one of them shout at me like "Hey, why you do not wear hijab?! I'll tell Ustaz tomorrow in the class!" and I was like riding my bicycle very fast going back home and wore tudung sarung (hijab). My mom asked me why I wanted to wear hijab and I said "My friend wants to tell Ustaz tomorrow that I'm not wearing hijab with my afraid + nervous + annoyed face :') and yeah, my mom laugh at me.
That is it the story how I started wearing the Hijab, and Alhamdulillah I still wearing hijab and will never take it off :')
I’ve heard different opinions on the hijab but most of the people I know do not care about it, they won’t judge you for it.

That doesn’t mean that wearing the hijab makes you a good person, no! I’ve been told and I saw some videos where pickpocket in Malaysia are wearing the niqab. Sad.
I was never been forced to wear the hijab. But wear the sock, yes. My mom forced me to do that, but for my own good. It was hard at the beginning but now I feel naked without it and I will tell you why.
My hijab is covering me. I don’t feel like a target when I’m wearing it. Pergi pasar malam ka shopping ka, I feel safe. I feel special in this world where everybody wants a decent wife but also want to fool around with the girl wearing the shortest skirt. In a world where girls are looking in magazines to know if the next trend is short skirts or sleeveless dresses… I feel special cause I don’t have to. I can wear all these but for me and for the persons who deserve to see my body, not for everybody.
I’m decent, not oppressed. I feel bad for my Muslim friends out there which been attacked cause wearing hijab :')
To all the person thinking that we Muslim women oppressed cause we are wearing the hijab.........I’m decent, not oppressed. I feel bad for my Muslim friends out there which been attacked cause wearing hijab :')
(Yazzzz redness cause I have a very sensitive skin)
Here are some words for ya :)
"Are you sure you’re not the one oppressed ?"
"Wearing the heaviest makeup so the boy next door can notice you? "
"Trying to be the super skinny person on earth just to be wearing that dress Kate Moss wore last night? "
"Are you sure you’re not the one oppressed ?"
I don’t want to be the reason why you start a fight with your husband because he realised that my hair is better than yours and that my hips are really wide and yours are not… so he’s been staring at me for a good 2 minutes.
So I’m protecting you too.
Thank me later.
I’d rather be oppressed by my religion, by something I believe in than by a society that doesn’t care about me unless I’m what they want me to be.
My hijab makes me feel powerful because, in a world where a woman body is a marketing product, I’m the one who decides how much of my body I want you to see.
I’m not scared to wear the hijab because I know that I’ve more than a beautiful body to offer. I have a beautiful soul that I consider way more important.
Assalamualaikum and Hi you all.
Today's post is about a suncare product that I have been using for a while. Apparently, it is a highly rated as one of the better sunscreens out in the market, and I can understand why. This review is on the Biore UV Aqua Watery Essence, SPF 50++ and PA++.
Firstly, what is SPF and what do the numbers mean?
SPF stands for "sun protection factor" and is a benchmark of a sunscreen derived from taking the times it takes for your skin to burn with a sunscreen and dividing it by the time was taken for you to burn without a sunscreen. For example, if you burn in 500 minutes with a sunscreen as opposed to 10 minutes without one, then your sunscreen will be an SPF 50 (500/10=50).
So, the higher the SPF, the better the protection against the UVA and UVB rays - which causes ageing of the skin and cancer. But this remains debatable. So what's do you think?
Right, the lesson's over. Let's move to the product.
Name : Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence.
Price : RM36.99(Rose) RM35.66 (Citrus)
You can get this from : Watson | Guardian | Sasa | AEON Wellness.
This is so far one of my favourite gel based SPF sunscreens! this is actually promoted to "apply like water" and can be used on both your body and face. The texture that is watery and easy to absorb into skin without leaving behind a heavy, sticky feel. There's no chalky finish with this product and it leaves skin feeling hydrated, I also used this as my makeup base sometimes :)
Since it is watery, it's also non-waterproof and you'll need to reapply this after vigorous sweating or swimming. This brand also comes in a limited rose fragrance formula ( the original has a subtle citrus scent).
My rating : 3.99/5
Will I repurchase? Probably until I found something better and gain some money hewhew. What product tat you currently using as a sunscreen ? Share in the comment down below! :D
Today's post is about a suncare product that I have been using for a while. Apparently, it is a highly rated as one of the better sunscreens out in the market, and I can understand why. This review is on the Biore UV Aqua Watery Essence, SPF 50++ and PA++.
Firstly, what is SPF and what do the numbers mean?
SPF stands for "sun protection factor" and is a benchmark of a sunscreen derived from taking the times it takes for your skin to burn with a sunscreen and dividing it by the time was taken for you to burn without a sunscreen. For example, if you burn in 500 minutes with a sunscreen as opposed to 10 minutes without one, then your sunscreen will be an SPF 50 (500/10=50).
So, the higher the SPF, the better the protection against the UVA and UVB rays - which causes ageing of the skin and cancer. But this remains debatable. So what's do you think?
Right, the lesson's over. Let's move to the product.
Name : Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence.
Price : RM36.99(Rose) RM35.66 (Citrus)
You can get this from : Watson | Guardian | Sasa | AEON Wellness.
This is so far one of my favourite gel based SPF sunscreens! this is actually promoted to "apply like water" and can be used on both your body and face. The texture that is watery and easy to absorb into skin without leaving behind a heavy, sticky feel. There's no chalky finish with this product and it leaves skin feeling hydrated, I also used this as my makeup base sometimes :)
Since it is watery, it's also non-waterproof and you'll need to reapply this after vigorous sweating or swimming. This brand also comes in a limited rose fragrance formula ( the original has a subtle citrus scent).
My rating : 3.99/5
Will I repurchase? Probably until I found something better and gain some money hewhew. What product tat you currently using as a sunscreen ? Share in the comment down below! :D
Biore UV Aqua Watery Essence, SPF 50++ and PA++.
9 June 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi you all.
Today's post is about a suncare product that I have been using for a while. Apparently, it is a highly rated as one of the better sunscreens out in the market, and I can understand why. This review is on the Biore UV Aqua Watery Essence, SPF 50++ and PA++.
Firstly, what is SPF and what do the numbers mean?
SPF stands for "sun protection factor" and is a benchmark of a sunscreen derived from taking the times it takes for your skin to burn with a sunscreen and dividing it by the time was taken for you to burn without a sunscreen. For example, if you burn in 500 minutes with a sunscreen as opposed to 10 minutes without one, then your sunscreen will be an SPF 50 (500/10=50).
So, the higher the SPF, the better the protection against the UVA and UVB rays - which causes ageing of the skin and cancer. But this remains debatable. So what's do you think?
Right, the lesson's over. Let's move to the product.
Name : Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence.
Price : RM36.99(Rose) RM35.66 (Citrus)
You can get this from : Watson | Guardian | Sasa | AEON Wellness.
This is so far one of my favourite gel based SPF sunscreens! this is actually promoted to "apply like water" and can be used on both your body and face. The texture that is watery and easy to absorb into skin without leaving behind a heavy, sticky feel. There's no chalky finish with this product and it leaves skin feeling hydrated, I also used this as my makeup base sometimes :)
Since it is watery, it's also non-waterproof and you'll need to reapply this after vigorous sweating or swimming. This brand also comes in a limited rose fragrance formula ( the original has a subtle citrus scent).
My rating : 3.99/5
Will I repurchase? Probably until I found something better and gain some money hewhew. What product tat you currently using as a sunscreen ? Share in the comment down below! :D
Today's post is about a suncare product that I have been using for a while. Apparently, it is a highly rated as one of the better sunscreens out in the market, and I can understand why. This review is on the Biore UV Aqua Watery Essence, SPF 50++ and PA++.
Firstly, what is SPF and what do the numbers mean?
SPF stands for "sun protection factor" and is a benchmark of a sunscreen derived from taking the times it takes for your skin to burn with a sunscreen and dividing it by the time was taken for you to burn without a sunscreen. For example, if you burn in 500 minutes with a sunscreen as opposed to 10 minutes without one, then your sunscreen will be an SPF 50 (500/10=50).
So, the higher the SPF, the better the protection against the UVA and UVB rays - which causes ageing of the skin and cancer. But this remains debatable. So what's do you think?
Right, the lesson's over. Let's move to the product.
Name : Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence.
Price : RM36.99(Rose) RM35.66 (Citrus)
You can get this from : Watson | Guardian | Sasa | AEON Wellness.
This is so far one of my favourite gel based SPF sunscreens! this is actually promoted to "apply like water" and can be used on both your body and face. The texture that is watery and easy to absorb into skin without leaving behind a heavy, sticky feel. There's no chalky finish with this product and it leaves skin feeling hydrated, I also used this as my makeup base sometimes :)
Since it is watery, it's also non-waterproof and you'll need to reapply this after vigorous sweating or swimming. This brand also comes in a limited rose fragrance formula ( the original has a subtle citrus scent).
My rating : 3.99/5
Will I repurchase? Probably until I found something better and gain some money hewhew. What product tat you currently using as a sunscreen ? Share in the comment down below! :D
Assalamualaikum and Hi.
As a girl or teenager which in 1 year I will turn to 20s, my skin is one of my priorities :p It's not about "I need to get pretty", cause when your skin is healthier without acne yeah I know takkan lah takda jerawat langsung kan, ada je bila tiba masanya tu...... haha but it feels satisfying with the results.
Other than acne problem, I also want to get rid of those annoying blackheads and whiteheads :')
This mask come in a little tube, mine is 50g or 1.76oz. The product itself really sticky when you first put it on so, it's little bit tricky to spread around my nose. Don't you dare to use your brush, it won't work, haha. Just use your beautiful fingertips araso? good. To use it, all you have to do is to spread it around your nose evenly and wait until it dries for 15-30 minutes. But I didn't set the timer, I waited till it dry. This mask smells really good. Doesn't smell like lava, haha.
After it is fully dried you can peel off the mask pretty easily while...... crying. haha :p It's painful to take it off I rasa nak je nyanyi lagu blackpink walaupun takda kena mengena tau tak , honestly but just when I put on my cheek under my eyes. It feels irritated. Masa tarik kat hidung it went smooth :') Maybe it because I have a sensitive skin? I think so.
The end of result? Well, it did pull some of the whiteheads. I give it 3.5 out of 5.
What did you use to remove your blackheads and whiteheads ? If you use the same product, how this peel-off works on you? :)
As a girl or teenager which in 1 year I will turn to 20s, my skin is one of my priorities :p It's not about "I need to get pretty", cause when your skin is healthier without acne yeah I know takkan lah takda jerawat langsung kan, ada je bila tiba masanya tu...... haha but it feels satisfying with the results.
Other than acne problem, I also want to get rid of those annoying blackheads and whiteheads :')
Tadaaaaaaaaa. This is THE FACE SHOP jeju volcanic lava peel-off clay nose mask.
This mask come in a little tube, mine is 50g or 1.76oz. The product itself really sticky when you first put it on so, it's little bit tricky to spread around my nose. Don't you dare to use your brush, it won't work, haha. Just use your beautiful fingertips araso? good. To use it, all you have to do is to spread it around your nose evenly and wait until it dries for 15-30 minutes. But I didn't set the timer, I waited till it dry. This mask smells really good. Doesn't smell like lava, haha.
This is how the teksture and colour looks like. It cover up my cute mole over there. haha
sorry sebab muka sebesor besor alam yang diupload :p
After it is fully dried you can peel off the mask pretty easily while...... crying. haha :p It's painful to take it off I rasa nak je nyanyi lagu blackpink walaupun takda kena mengena tau tak , honestly but just when I put on my cheek under my eyes. It feels irritated. Masa tarik kat hidung it went smooth :') Maybe it because I have a sensitive skin? I think so.
The end of result? Well, it did pull some of the whiteheads. I give it 3.5 out of 5.
What did you use to remove your blackheads and whiteheads ? If you use the same product, how this peel-off works on you? :)
27 May 2017
Assalamualaikum and Hi.
As a girl or teenager which in 1 year I will turn to 20s, my skin is one of my priorities :p It's not about "I need to get pretty", cause when your skin is healthier without acne yeah I know takkan lah takda jerawat langsung kan, ada je bila tiba masanya tu...... haha but it feels satisfying with the results.
Other than acne problem, I also want to get rid of those annoying blackheads and whiteheads :')
This mask come in a little tube, mine is 50g or 1.76oz. The product itself really sticky when you first put it on so, it's little bit tricky to spread around my nose. Don't you dare to use your brush, it won't work, haha. Just use your beautiful fingertips araso? good. To use it, all you have to do is to spread it around your nose evenly and wait until it dries for 15-30 minutes. But I didn't set the timer, I waited till it dry. This mask smells really good. Doesn't smell like lava, haha.
After it is fully dried you can peel off the mask pretty easily while...... crying. haha :p It's painful to take it off I rasa nak je nyanyi lagu blackpink walaupun takda kena mengena tau tak , honestly but just when I put on my cheek under my eyes. It feels irritated. Masa tarik kat hidung it went smooth :') Maybe it because I have a sensitive skin? I think so.
The end of result? Well, it did pull some of the whiteheads. I give it 3.5 out of 5.
What did you use to remove your blackheads and whiteheads ? If you use the same product, how this peel-off works on you? :)
As a girl or teenager which in 1 year I will turn to 20s, my skin is one of my priorities :p It's not about "I need to get pretty", cause when your skin is healthier without acne yeah I know takkan lah takda jerawat langsung kan, ada je bila tiba masanya tu...... haha but it feels satisfying with the results.
Other than acne problem, I also want to get rid of those annoying blackheads and whiteheads :')
Tadaaaaaaaaa. This is THE FACE SHOP jeju volcanic lava peel-off clay nose mask.
This mask come in a little tube, mine is 50g or 1.76oz. The product itself really sticky when you first put it on so, it's little bit tricky to spread around my nose. Don't you dare to use your brush, it won't work, haha. Just use your beautiful fingertips araso? good. To use it, all you have to do is to spread it around your nose evenly and wait until it dries for 15-30 minutes. But I didn't set the timer, I waited till it dry. This mask smells really good. Doesn't smell like lava, haha.
This is how the teksture and colour looks like. It cover up my cute mole over there. haha
sorry sebab muka sebesor besor alam yang diupload :p
After it is fully dried you can peel off the mask pretty easily while...... crying. haha :p It's painful to take it off I rasa nak je nyanyi lagu blackpink walaupun takda kena mengena tau tak , honestly but just when I put on my cheek under my eyes. It feels irritated. Masa tarik kat hidung it went smooth :') Maybe it because I have a sensitive skin? I think so.
The end of result? Well, it did pull some of the whiteheads. I give it 3.5 out of 5.
What did you use to remove your blackheads and whiteheads ? If you use the same product, how this peel-off works on you? :)
Assalamualaikum beautiful!
What is micellar water and why I need it?
Micellar waters are water that undergoes a process called micellization which in fancy terms means a process of aggregation blablablabla. Okay I don't understand so I'm so sure that you guys also will not understand the meaning and yang senang nye, this micellar water we use to remove makeup on our face.
And it's great for all skin types, including sensitive and oily, okay? haha mianhae guys.
Once upon a time, I felt that I want to start wearing mascara. Watching YouTuber do a makeup tutorial, their eyes perghhh lawaaa weh. And also as you know, I'm really not a makeup person and one day, I bought a mascara and wear it. But I bising bising cause even using a cleanser, it still not removed cause I don't have that makeup remover and I was like ottokeeee :(
Finally, I used the cotton bud and baby oil to remove it. At that time, my sister is not at home so I can't use hers and a few weeks after (after I save some money), I bought one hehe.
Yes, it's GARNIER Micellar Cleansing Water and it's pink (which is ayong favourite). Why they didn't make it purple :(
How is it applied or used?
Guys, please. I knew you all know how to use this isn't? hahaha :p It just me yang slow baru nak up. So syabas anak muda!
I always have rednesses after I cleansing my face or during makeup process *what a sad life*. I don't know how sensitives my skin are but surely my skin is a sensitive type :') Because of that, I'm so struggling to find out, make an experiment what products suitable for my skin. Fyi, while I'm typing this, there's one spot of itchy redness suddenly appear above my eyebrow :')
My skin so sensitive with dust and unclean hands, pillow and etc.
So far when I used this Micellar water, it's not irritating during removing. But after I wipe all over my face, I still have to wash my face because of it uncomfortable. Not too bad or too good. Also, an affordable cleansing water (RM14.++) to remove basic makeup, but again I had to put more effort removing mascara. But overall it's all okay. haha
Rating : 4/5
Do you also a user of this Cleansing Water? How this product works on you? Or what makeup remover product do you use?
What is micellar water and why I need it?
Micellar waters are water that undergoes a process called micellization which in fancy terms means a process of aggregation blablablabla. Okay I don't understand so I'm so sure that you guys also will not understand the meaning and yang senang nye, this micellar water we use to remove makeup on our face.
And it's great for all skin types, including sensitive and oily, okay? haha mianhae guys.
Once upon a time, I felt that I want to start wearing mascara. Watching YouTuber do a makeup tutorial, their eyes perghhh lawaaa weh. And also as you know, I'm really not a makeup person and one day, I bought a mascara and wear it. But I bising bising cause even using a cleanser, it still not removed cause I don't have that makeup remover and I was like ottokeeee :(
Finally, I used the cotton bud and baby oil to remove it. At that time, my sister is not at home so I can't use hers and a few weeks after (after I save some money), I bought one hehe.
Yes, it's GARNIER Micellar Cleansing Water and it's pink (which is ayong favourite). Why they didn't make it purple :(
How is it applied or used?
Guys, please. I knew you all know how to use this isn't? hahaha :p It just me yang slow baru nak up. So syabas anak muda!
I always have rednesses after I cleansing my face or during makeup process *what a sad life*. I don't know how sensitives my skin are but surely my skin is a sensitive type :') Because of that, I'm so struggling to find out, make an experiment what products suitable for my skin. Fyi, while I'm typing this, there's one spot of itchy redness suddenly appear above my eyebrow :')
My skin so sensitive with dust and unclean hands, pillow and etc.
So far when I used this Micellar water, it's not irritating during removing. But after I wipe all over my face, I still have to wash my face because of it uncomfortable. Not too bad or too good. Also, an affordable cleansing water (RM14.++) to remove basic makeup, but again I had to put more effort removing mascara. But overall it's all okay. haha
Rating : 4/5
Do you also a user of this Cleansing Water? How this product works on you? Or what makeup remover product do you use?
The Best Budget Micellar Water.
20 April 2017
Assalamualaikum beautiful!
What is micellar water and why I need it?
Micellar waters are water that undergoes a process called micellization which in fancy terms means a process of aggregation blablablabla. Okay I don't understand so I'm so sure that you guys also will not understand the meaning and yang senang nye, this micellar water we use to remove makeup on our face.
And it's great for all skin types, including sensitive and oily, okay? haha mianhae guys.
Once upon a time, I felt that I want to start wearing mascara. Watching YouTuber do a makeup tutorial, their eyes perghhh lawaaa weh. And also as you know, I'm really not a makeup person and one day, I bought a mascara and wear it. But I bising bising cause even using a cleanser, it still not removed cause I don't have that makeup remover and I was like ottokeeee :(
Finally, I used the cotton bud and baby oil to remove it. At that time, my sister is not at home so I can't use hers and a few weeks after (after I save some money), I bought one hehe.
Yes, it's GARNIER Micellar Cleansing Water and it's pink (which is ayong favourite). Why they didn't make it purple :(
How is it applied or used?
Guys, please. I knew you all know how to use this isn't? hahaha :p It just me yang slow baru nak up. So syabas anak muda!
I always have rednesses after I cleansing my face or during makeup process *what a sad life*. I don't know how sensitives my skin are but surely my skin is a sensitive type :') Because of that, I'm so struggling to find out, make an experiment what products suitable for my skin. Fyi, while I'm typing this, there's one spot of itchy redness suddenly appear above my eyebrow :')
My skin so sensitive with dust and unclean hands, pillow and etc.
So far when I used this Micellar water, it's not irritating during removing. But after I wipe all over my face, I still have to wash my face because of it uncomfortable. Not too bad or too good. Also, an affordable cleansing water (RM14.++) to remove basic makeup, but again I had to put more effort removing mascara. But overall it's all okay. haha
Rating : 4/5
Do you also a user of this Cleansing Water? How this product works on you? Or what makeup remover product do you use?
What is micellar water and why I need it?
Micellar waters are water that undergoes a process called micellization which in fancy terms means a process of aggregation blablablabla. Okay I don't understand so I'm so sure that you guys also will not understand the meaning and yang senang nye, this micellar water we use to remove makeup on our face.
And it's great for all skin types, including sensitive and oily, okay? haha mianhae guys.
Once upon a time, I felt that I want to start wearing mascara. Watching YouTuber do a makeup tutorial, their eyes perghhh lawaaa weh. And also as you know, I'm really not a makeup person and one day, I bought a mascara and wear it. But I bising bising cause even using a cleanser, it still not removed cause I don't have that makeup remover and I was like ottokeeee :(
Finally, I used the cotton bud and baby oil to remove it. At that time, my sister is not at home so I can't use hers and a few weeks after (after I save some money), I bought one hehe.
Yes, it's GARNIER Micellar Cleansing Water and it's pink (which is ayong favourite). Why they didn't make it purple :(
How is it applied or used?
Guys, please. I knew you all know how to use this isn't? hahaha :p It just me yang slow baru nak up. So syabas anak muda!
I always have rednesses after I cleansing my face or during makeup process *what a sad life*. I don't know how sensitives my skin are but surely my skin is a sensitive type :') Because of that, I'm so struggling to find out, make an experiment what products suitable for my skin. Fyi, while I'm typing this, there's one spot of itchy redness suddenly appear above my eyebrow :')
My skin so sensitive with dust and unclean hands, pillow and etc.
So far when I used this Micellar water, it's not irritating during removing. But after I wipe all over my face, I still have to wash my face because of it uncomfortable. Not too bad or too good. Also, an affordable cleansing water (RM14.++) to remove basic makeup, but again I had to put more effort removing mascara. But overall it's all okay. haha
Rating : 4/5
Do you also a user of this Cleansing Water? How this product works on you? Or what makeup remover product do you use?
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